
Free Task Management

Add to Slack

Integrate Actionmint by adding our task management application to your Slack team

After adding our Slack application to your Slack team, your whole team will have access to Actionmint, without having to sign-up individually. Use the slash command /actionmint to view a list of available commands.

Create task Slack

Create and manage tasks

Simply type /actionmint add in the Slack message box, followed by the task name to create a task. Choose the project in the menu, or use the "Complete Task" button to complete it. Clicking on the task ID leads to the task on Actionmint where you can manage it in more detail. The created task will be visible to all members of a channel.

Task notification Slack

Receive task notifications

Actionmint will send you a message in the channel of your choosing when a task created via Slack has started, or its due date has passed.

Integrate your Actionmint account with Slack.

Add to Slack