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Posts Tagged 'Start-up' RSS

5 Simple Tips for Startup Funding

One of the biggest headaches for startup founders is finding sufficient funding to get the company off the ground and to keep it running. It’s an issue that many startup founders would rather not deal with in order to focus on the business at hand, but in the real world, every company needs liquidity to pay for the most basic expenses.
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The 5 C’s of Successful and Happy Businesses

1. Communication. Clearly communicate what you do and for who. Otherwise known as your pitch, getting really clear on WHAT you are offering and WHO it offers value to is vital. Learning how to articulate what you do helps other people hire you. Take time to develop your ‘elevator pitch’ make sure you can explain in under a minute how what you do is of value to the people you do it for. Practice your pitch until it flows, until you sound clear and confident.
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7 Secrets Every Startup Should Know

Here is the list of my startup secrets. There are things that every startup needs no matter what field it operates in or what business it is pursuing.

1. Sounding Boards - Every startup should have multitudes of sounding boards that provide feedback on your idea and help you refine it and continuously improve it. Almost guaranteed that a startup’s initial idea will need to do several revamps before...
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5 Online Business Tips For New Entrepreneurs

New entrepreneurs might feel overwhelmed by online jargon. Learning about SEO, WordPress, and a whole host of new online concepts seems too much to handle for a green newbie to the online world. Take a deep breath. Any veteran entrepreneur knows the feeling well.
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Breaking Bad is the Ultimate Startup

With the season finale of “Breaking Bad” having aired, I’ve been doing a bit of thinking around the show premise, and how similar the plot line is to the development of a startup.

The same problems that happen to Walt Enterprises in the show happen to all founders when trying to build a company. Product. Team. Partners. Price. Distribution. Investors. You name it, they’ve faced it.
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Fail fast, manage more projects

Some of us spend most of our lives waiting for an awesome idea that will never come, others have lots of ideas and projects but don´t execute them. Every successful entrepreneur is an executor, people who do whatever it takes to bring their ideas to life.

Being an entrepreneur is not easy. Many people dream about being the next Facebook or Apple, but few are willing to do what it takes to get there. Discipline is what it takes. Of course there are exceptions and accidental entrepreneurs who can be successful.
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A Pretty Sweet Entrepreneurial Recipe

The man decided (one day - he's not sure when it became a reality) he was going to put his full weight behind that entrepreneurial idea. It had been nagging him for months, how great this idea would be to solve that problem at the office. But they'd never change. Anyway, it was his idea - if it was going to happen, it would have his name on it.

Fast forward a year, and he's secured some seed funding, he's got a team of six, and now he's looking at the ominous prospect of launching the product to the public in six months. He's pretty amazed with what he's achieved with his team, who are now his closest friends.
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Actionmint's articles are about productivity, collaboration, entrepreneurship & project management. Everything about getting your work done.

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Steve PrenticeElizabeth HarrinConrado Morlan, PgMP, PMPJason WestlandLeo BabautaKayla A. RoxasMichael LuchiesJonathan FeistTara Rodden RobinsonSusanne MadsenLew SauderEbonie AllardSteven StarkeNaomi Caietti, PMPLisa Anderson
